Someone famous once sang, "School's out for summer!" and every year, at about this time, the refrain is stuck in my head and memories of complete and utter freedom dance around my heart like the swallowtail butterflies fluttering gaily around our gardens.
School is out, but the school garden, like a school child, continues to grow.
Fortunately, I will be able to go in over the summer to water. I was there just yesterday, giving the plants a good hearty drink before the hot spell we are about to endure ("feels like" 36 degrees, anyone?). And what I noticed is how awesome (mostly) everything is doing!
By far, the most impressive plant is a broccoli that must've self-sown from last year. It's big and beautiful, and is starting to form it's first crown!
In May, Mme Messer's kindergarten class helped me plant some seedlings I had prepared. A lot of the seeds I had were free give-aways courtesy of the, Comox Valley Seed Savers, the City of Courtenay, and Good Earth farms--I had picked them up at the Earth Day festival in April. Included in the give-away were non-GMO Hungarian corn; beans (Orca, Scarlet Runner, Purple); and dill. Some of the other seeds, such as the nasturtiums that are doing so well in the garden, came from another parent volunteer. I also donated some of my own seeds: strawberry corn, patty pan squash, and Jack-be-little mini-pumpkins. All for a late-summer fall harvest!
The image on the left shows a runner bean starting to use a Hungarian corn plant as a trellis--that is if the corn can keep up and grow!
Thanks so much for the care and love you are giving the school garden this summer. It is not going unappreciated. Well done on the garden as it is looking so healthy and bountiful.